Manual installation (development)

This method is best suited for development environments, for its quicker build times and automatic rebuilding.

Before you begin

Make sure you completed all steps in the first steps page.


Other versions may work, but is untested.

Set up environment variables

In RABIT-BACKEND, copy .env.example file to .env

cp .env.example

See the Firebase page for more information on setting up Firebase.



Running MySQL on the local machine

Fill out the following variables according to your MySQL configuration:

DATA_PATH= # location of uploaded files
DB_HOST= # MySQL host
DB_USER= # MySQL user
DB_PASSWORD= # MySQL password
DB_NAME= # database name

Any variables not listed above should not be changed, unless you understand the ramifications and how to deal with any issue that may arise.

Run DB_generation_schema.sql in RABIT-BACKEND/database-schemas to initialise all tables. Then, run create_temp_user.sql from the same directory to create the temporary user which will be associated with all uploaded data.

mysql -u <DB_USER> -p<DB_PASSWORD> <DB_NAME> < DB_generation_schema.sql
mysql -u <DB_USER> -p<DB_PASSWORD> <DB_NAME> < create_temp_user.sql


Running DB_generation_schema.sql will drop all existing tables and thus delete all data in the database.

Running MySQL on a Docker container

If you don't want to go through the hassle of installing and setting up MySQL, you can simply run it as a Docker container. This method is somewhat similar to the Docker deployment method but without running the frontend and backend containers.

Fill out the database environment variables as follows:

DB_HOST=localhost # NOTE: this is different to the docker production build!

The compose file is located at db-docker-compose.yml, which we must pass on every up and `down commands.

To deploy MySQL container, run

docker-compose up -f db-docker-compose.yml --build

This will run the init scripts automatically. You must wait until the log prints

[System] [MY-010931] [Server] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections. Version: '8.0.30'  socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'  port: 3306  MySQL Community Server - GPL.`

at which point the database has been successfully initialised.


In RABIT-BACKEND directory:

Install dependencies

npm install --save-dev

Run the app

npm run start

The backend is now available at http://locahlost:8000.


In RABIT-FRONTEND directory:

Install dependencies

npm install --save-dev

Run the app

npm run start

The app will be running at http://localhost:3000/.


Run git pull --recurse-submodules then follow the installation instructions again.


Remove the database container without deleting database data:

docker-compose -f db-docker-compose.yml down

Remove the container and delete all data:


This will delete all plots, accounts and everything else stored in the database. This operation is irreversible.

This does NOT delete any user data in Firebase. Ensure that you deal with this appropriately to avoid any data synchronisation issue in the future.

docker-compose -f db-docker-compose.yml down -v