Submitting issues

Do you encounter a bug in RABIT?

Or you may have a bright idea for a new feature that will greatly enhance the app?

We'd highly appreciate you to let us know by submitting an issue!

How issues are organised

There are two issue trackers for the project:

It's important to open an issue in the correct tracker. Otherwise, your issue may be ignored or closed.

First steps

Before you open up a new issue, make sure to search the issue tracker for any existing similar issues. Often times someone has already made the bug report or enhancement suggestion.

Do you need really to create an issue?

If you don't really have a bug report or enhancements to suggest, and are just asking questions or showing off a cool thing you made with RABIT, then it would be better to post those on our community discussions page. We'd like to keep the issue tracker to only contain bug reports and enhancement proposals.

Creating an issue

We use GitHub issue template to make it easier for you and us.

Select the appropriate issue category (bug report or feature request) then fill the form appropriately.

If necessary, post a screenshot to help explain your issue more clearly. However, do not post screenshots of error logs or stack traces. Screenshots of logs (or images of text in general) makes it unnecessarily difficult for everyone to search the error (as it can't be indexed by GitHub) or select the text. In addition, folks who use assistive technologies (e.g. screen reader) or those with poor connections may struggle to even be able to read the log at all.

When posting an issue, make sure that sensitive or confidential information has been appropriately censored or removed.

Things to keep in mind

All contributions will be released under the ISC license. Please ensure that any third-party code used is compatible with this license.

When commenting or creating issues, please follow the GitHub community guidelines.