Viewing a plot

One of RABIT's premier features is viewing Bayesian inference plots. For a plot to be viewed, it must first be created. If you haven't already done so, read the plot creation guide here.

1. Navigate to the plots page

Navigate to 'Explore' from the sidebar, or go directly to the /plots URL.

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2. Select a plot to view

Select which plot to view from the plots list

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3. Parameter selection

From each class of parameter that was uploaded, select the specific parameters to plot

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4. Modify the colour of the plots

Plot colours can be modified by selecting the colour box. Use contrasting colours for multi-set plots to enhance readability.

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5. Reordering multi-dataset plots

Change the order of the plots using the arrow button. Lower order datasets will be displayed on top of higher order datasets.

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6. Adjust plot sigma value

The plot sigma represents the number of deviations from the mean. Increasing this value will increase the spread of the plot. This value is set to 3 by default.

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7. Adjust plot blur radius

The blur radius can be increased to filter noise from the data. This value is set to 1.0 by default.

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8. Save plot as an image

Plots can be saved locally in PNG or SVG format.

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9. Generate a shareable URL for the plot

Create a shareable link for a plot. From the viewers perspective, the shared plot cannot be modified, but can be downloaded.

App Screenshot